Angerstein Crossing SAVED

We are very pleased to report that Network Rail have backed down and will now not be closing the Angerstein Crossing. After residents, Councillors, Amenity Societies and our MP voiced their objections and 2700 people signed a petition Network Rail were persuaded to commission an independent review of the closure.  The result of this was that the Angerstein Crossing should be treated as a special case and should not be subject to the normal Network Rail algorithm that determines whether a crossing closes or not. We thank everyone who signed the petition, attended meetings or wrote to Network Rail.

By |September 29th, 2021|Categories: Pedestrian, Rail Specific Posts, Road, Transport|0 Comments

Update on Rail Services

Members of the Westcombe Society Environment Committee will be attending a South Eastern Stakeholders meeting on 21st February 2018. Read on for the latest from South Eastern and how to give your views. There is also an online petition asking for Westcombe Park and Maze Hill stations to be rezoned to zone 2

By |February 9th, 2018|Categories: Rail Specific Posts, Transport|0 Comments

Threat to rail services from Blackheath to Charing Cross and Victoria – ACT NOW on another rail consultation

The Department of Transport is consulting now on the future of our rail franchise. Do you want to save the direct services from Blackheath to Waterloo, Charing Cross and Victoria? CONSULTATION EXTENDED TO 30 JUNE 2017

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