Will Plans to reduce rat running in West Greenwich affect Westcombe Park?
West Greenwich has traffic problems that need a solution but will this make traffic worse in Westcombe Park?
Thank you for raising money for McMillan
The Westcombe Society raised over £1400 through their walk and coffee morning.
How do you react to noise disturbance?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich are conducting a survey about noise. How does noise affect you?
Blackheath Fireworks 2nd November 8pm
Please help with crowdfunding this event so that it can continue in future years
Westcombe News
The September and October editions should now have all been delivered. Colour pdfs are now available online.
Westcombe Society Quiz – October 26th 2019
Please join us at our 'Monster' Quiz Night on Saturday October 26th at St George's Church.
McMillan Coffee morning and walk
Thank you to all of those who helped make these events such a success this year.
Good News for Local Stations
Residents are asked to put forward their ideas for spending money awarded to Maze Hill, Westcombe Park and Greenwich stations.
Westcombe Society McMillan Coffee Morning – Friday 27th September 2019
Are you able to bake a cake and/or join us at Mycenae House for coffee, cake and other refreshments anytime from 10am to 2pm? Update - We would really appreciate more offers of help especially from cake makers
Westcombe Society McMillan Walk – Sunday 15th September
Join local residents on a walk to help raise money for McMillan
Greenwich Park Accessibility Vehicle Scheme
The Royal Parks are trialling a free accessibility scheme in Greenwich Park until Sunday 11 August.