Update on Low Traffic Neighbourhood – West Greenwich LTN to be removed
The decision NOT to implement a LTN in Westcombe Park is to be followed by the removal of the West Greenwich LTN, read on for more details
Westcombe Park CPZ consultation – respond this weekend – consultation closes 15 November 2021
Residents are encouraged to respond to the controlled parking consultation which finishes this weekend.
Silvertown Tunnel Noise Barriers
TfL consultation
Vote now to fund your favourite 3 local projects
Which local projects should benefit from funding?
Morden Wharf High Rise proposal
The picture above was produced by a local resident who is concerned about the application for very high towers at Morden Wharf. The Westcombe Society don't often comment on planning applications outside our area but as the maximum height of one of these towers will be 130m this proposal it will be considerably higher than anything already built in that area and higher than the development already approved at Enderby Wharf and buildings already in the Greenwich Peninsula Masterplan. As this affects views from Greenwich Park we thought we would share the details. Comments need to be in by May [...]
Consultation on Greenwich Park to Shooters Hill Road cycle route including proposed closure of the Old Dover Road
This affects our local shops at Blackheath Standard. Respond by this Sunday 21 March.
Proposed Low Traffic Neighbourhood for Westcombe Park – Update 22 Feb 2021
Residents should have received new letters. The Westcombe Society encourage all residents to respond.
Two Traffic trials that may affect Westcombe Park
Both the Royal Parks and the Royal Borough of Greenwich are trialling road closures which will prevent through traffic from using the park or residential roads west of the park. How this will affect Westcombe Park is unclear.
Application REFUSED – Is an 18m mobile phone mast appropriate in this location in the Westcombe Park Conservation Area?
This application has now been refused although the applicant still has a right to appeal.
Fanzone – Euro 2020 postponed until 11 June – 11 July 2021
Euro 2020 has been postponed due to Covid-19
Fanzone Licensing Committee Friday 6 March
Although the Fanzone has now been approved by the Planning Board the licence has not yet been approved. This is likely to happen at the Licensing Committee on 6 March 2020. This is probably the last chance for public comment.