Friends of Mycenae Gardens AGM
Mycenae Gardens is one of our local Open Spaces. The Friends of Mycenae Gardens hope to welcome new members at their AGM on 25 March 2020.
Westcombe News February Edition
Read about local issues such as the Fanzone, the Angerstein roundabout and Lottery success for Greenwich Park.
Make do and Maintain – Saturday club
Run by the Maritime Museum Greenwich on the third Saturday of every month at the Prince Philip Maritime Collections centre. Free but booking required.
Fanzone Licensing Committee Friday 6 March
Although the Fanzone has now been approved by the Planning Board the licence has not yet been approved. This is likely to happen at the Licensing Committee on 6 March 2020. This is probably the last chance for public comment.
Angerstein Roundabout – Initial Thoughts for Improvements
TfL are currently consulting on their initial thoughts on improving the Angerstein roundabout. Responses need to be in by 16 February
Westcombe Society Members/Helpers/Newcomers Party
The Westcombe Society
Forthcoming Events in Greenwich Park
Greenwich Park will be holding a number of events in the next few months.
December Westcombe News
The December Westcombe News is now out for delivery
Controlled Parking and Electrical Charging – give your views
Greenwich are consulting on both the Westcombe Park parking zones and electrical charging points at present. Residents are encouraged to respond especially if they want to see changes such as removal of restrictions on Saturdays.
Wild Winter Fayre at Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park
Sunday 1st December 11am to 3pm
The Planning application for a Fanzone in Greenwich Park for Euro 2020 is now being consulted on.