Westcombe News April 2014
The April 2014 edition of the Westcombe News is now available and features reports on the progress of the IKEA Planning Application, Art and Photography on our doorstep, and events on the heath.
Blackheath Westcombe Ward Hustings
The Westcombe Society are inviting all candidates for the Blackheath Westcombe Ward local election to a Hustings on Tuesday May 13th 7.45pm at St George's, Glenluce Road. Come and hear what they have to say.
Update from Southeastern
Southeastern have just sent out their latest stakeholder letter highlighting minor timetable changes from May plus other news
The Blackheath Spring Clean
A sunny day, spring in the air, and a much tidier Heath: Blackheath and Westcombe Societies combed the Heath for rubbish, and had a great time too.
Westcombe News March 2014
The colour version of the March 2014 Westcombe News is now available on this website featuring articles on parking, rail services, health and other local news.
Can you offer a bed to a Marathon Runner and raise money for Cystic Fibrosis
The local fundraisers for Cystic Fibrosis are organising beds for Marathon runners in return for a donation, can you help?
Pavement Forecourts and Tables and Chairs
Do you think the Royal Borough of Greenwich should be charging traders for use of the forecourt outside their premises? Charges were brought in recently and are now being belatedly consulted on. What do you think?
Proposed pedestrian and cycle improvements at the junction of the A2 Shooters Hill Road with Stratheden Road and Prince of Wales Road.
TfL are proposing to make improvements to pedestrian and cyclist facilities at the junction of the A2 with Stratheden Road and would like to know the views of local residents.
Westcombe Society submits a response to the January 2014 rail timetable proposals
The Westcombe Society and GLUG (Greenwich Line Users Group) have submitted there responses to the Southeastern stakeholder consultation on the rail timetable proposed for January 2015. Read on to see the responses
February Westcombe News
The February edition of the Westcombe News is out now. It includes a feature on the January storms. Copies are delivered to local homes and are also available from local shops and libraries.