Westcombe Society Quiz Night Friday 23rd October
The Westcombe Society Quiz night is being held at Mycenae House on Friday 23rd October
The Westcombe News for March 2015
Catch up on local news and views, and find out about events in the area, in the latest edition of the Westcombe News.
Silvertown Tunnel Consultation: latest news
The TfL consultation report for the proposed new tunnel has been published, amid concern about the effects on traffic congestion and the environment locally.
Westcombe News February 2015
The February 2015 issue of the Westcombe News is now available. If you haven't received a copy through your door it is available on this website.
Resurfacing on Westcombe Park Road
Resurfacing work on and near Westcombe Park Road will start on 24th January, read on for more information
Easter and weekend closures on the Greenwich line. Check before you travel!
Closure of London Bridge, Waterloo East, Charing Cross and Cannon Street on some Sundays and over the Easter weekend plus other Sunday closures will mean no services on the Greenwich Line and diversions on other lines.
Temporary bus route changes to 3, 47, 53 & 148 from 17th January
Roadworks are resulting in temporary changes to these routes mainly curtailing the route in Central London. Read on for details
Westcombe News, November 2014
The November issue of the Westcombe News is out now, with coverage of boating on the Thames, volunteering in Westcombe Woodlands, cakes and choirs. It's delivered to homes locally, shops and libraries in the area, or you can read it online.
Westcombe News, October Issue
The October issue of the Westcombe News is out now, with features on the new John Roan building and much more. It's been delivered to local homes. You can also find it in shops, cafes and the library, and you can read it here in full colour.
Lend a hand at Westcombe Woodlands
Give a little time and muscle power on November 2nd and 23rd to help local wildlife, in the amazing woods on the steep slopes off Maze Hill. They are being regenerated by a devoted group of volunteers, who welcome new recruits.
IKEA in Greenwich? Latest news
Update: The application to protect the Sainsbury's building by listing it has been refused.