LTN Trial – how to respond
Update on ways of commenting on the LTN or accessing excemptions.
Greener Safer Greenwich Consultation extended
Have your say on improvements you would like to see in East or West Greenwich including Westcombe Park.
Angerstein Crossing SAVED
We are very pleased to report that Network Rail have backed down and will now not be closing the Angerstein Crossing. After residents, Councillors, Amenity Societies and our MP voiced their objections and 2700 people signed a petition Network Rail were persuaded to commission an independent review of the closure. The result of this was that the Angerstein Crossing should be treated as a special case and should not be subject to the normal Network Rail algorithm that determines whether a crossing closes or not. We thank everyone who signed the petition, attended meetings or wrote to Network Rail.
Angerstein Pedestrian Crossing at Risk of Closure
Sign the petition and join the group trying to save this historic route
Consultation on Greenwich Park to Shooters Hill Road cycle route including proposed closure of the Old Dover Road
This affects our local shops at Blackheath Standard. Respond by this Sunday 21 March.
Works start on temporary walking and cycling improvements between Greenwich and Woolwich
Work has started on improvements to cycling and walking routes between Greenwich and Woolwich.
Angerstein Roundabout – Initial Thoughts for Improvements
TfL are currently consulting on their initial thoughts on improving the Angerstein roundabout. Responses need to be in by 16 February
Westcombe Society McMillan Walk – Sunday 15th September
Join local residents on a walk to help raise money for McMillan
Greenwich Park Accessibility Vehicle Scheme
The Royal Parks are trialling a free accessibility scheme in Greenwich Park until Sunday 11 August.
Friends of Greenwich and Woolwich Foot Tunnels
The Friends of Greenwich and Woolwich Foot Tunnels group is asking for your views on using the tunnels: please help them with this survey.
Proposed pedestrian and cycle improvements at the junction of the A2 Shooters Hill Road with Stratheden Road and Prince of Wales Road.
TfL are proposing to make improvements to pedestrian and cyclist facilities at the junction of the A2 with Stratheden Road and would like to know the views of local residents.