Our Charity of the Year 2014 is the 999 Club. This was ratified at our AGM in May.
The 999Club offers comfort, respite, advice and guidance to the most isolated, excluded and lonely people in society who they call their members. They have 5,000 members who suffer multiple problems which often stem from childhood. Their members range from the elderly and adults to vulnerable children. Many are homeless or at risk of becoming so.
The 999Club operates two day centres in Deptford and Downham both in the London Borough of Lewisham. They operate a small nursery for children as well as running a temporary winter night shelter.
As well as members many of their volunteers are from Greenwich and Blackheath with some from Westcombe Park.
They run a laundry service for the homeless and struggling families. They have recently added a shower room to their Deptford Centre which is well used particularly during the time the night shelter is open.
It is here that we can help in providing both an industrial strength washing machine and a dryer which will enable them to keep pace with the demands for fresh towels as well as allowing members to launder clothes.