LTN Trial – how to respond
Update on ways of commenting on the LTN or accessing excemptions.
Consultations of interest to residents of Westcombe Park
The Royal Borough of Greenwich is currently consulting on the trial LTN, Cycle hanger locations in Westcombe Park, Cycling in Greenwich Town Centre and Woolwich Barracks
Westcombe Woodlands Volunteer Mornings 2 March and 5 April
The Westcombe Woodlands welcomes volunteers in any capacity.
Westcombe Woodlands AGM 20 November
7.30pm Greenwich University. Guest speaker Russel Miller
Southbound Blackwall Tunnel closed all day on Sunday 17 November and overnight on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 15 to 17 November
Overnight closure is confirmed southbound for Friday night,15 November from 23.00 until 6am on Saturday 16 November. The southbound tunnel will also be closed from 23:00 on Saturday 16 November until 05:00 on Monday morning.
LTN trial to start on Wednesday 27 November 2024
Restrictions will be in place 7 to 10am and 3 to 7pm Monday to Friday
Charlton Community Gardens Family Learning
Charlton Park, Wednesday October 30th, 10am to 12noon
LTN update 5 September 2024
Despite substantial opposition LTNs will be introduced in East and West Greenwich.
Kisstory and Uptown Festivals 27 and 28 July 2024 – Information for residents
Information for residents is available for the upcoming Kisstory and Uptown Festivals on Blackheath
Westcombe Society AGM, Friday 24 May, 7pm
The AGM will be followed by an illustrated talk given by Joe Beale, naturalist.
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Proposals in East and West Greenwich – DEADLINE EXTENDED to 6 OCTOBER
The Royal Borough of Greenwich are consulting on LTNs in Greenwich and Westcombe Park.