Blackheath Joint Working Party Public Meeting
19.30 on Wednesday 24th February at the Quaker Meeting House, Blackheath. Come and have your say on issues affecting Blackheath
December Westcombe News
The December issue of Westcombe News is now available on this website.
Westcombe Park CPZ consultation – respond this weekend – consultation closes 15 November 2021
Residents are encouraged to respond to the controlled parking consultation which finishes this weekend.
Silvertown Tunnel Noise Barriers
TfL consultation
Westcombe Society Quiz Night
Saturday 27 November, bookings now open
November Westcombe News
The November issue is here
October Westcombe News
Unfortunately there was insufficient room to print all the letters sent to the editor this month so they are printed in full on this website. A pdf version of the paper is also available
Buses on Diversion
Southbound buses are are not serving Westcombe Hill tomorrow or Friday (30 September/1 October) due to carriageway works under the motorway.
Angerstein Crossing SAVED
We are very pleased to report that Network Rail have backed down and will now not be closing the Angerstein Crossing. After residents, Councillors, Amenity Societies and our MP voiced their objections and 2700 people signed a petition Network Rail were persuaded to commission an independent review of the closure. The result of this was that the Angerstein Crossing should be treated as a special case and should not be subject to the normal Network Rail algorithm that determines whether a crossing closes or not. We thank everyone who signed the petition, attended meetings or wrote to Network Rail.
Treasure Hunt postponed
The treasure hunt scheduled for 7 August has been postponed
Angerstein Pedestrian Crossing at Risk of Closure
Sign the petition and join the group trying to save this historic route