Westcombe Society Contacts

If you would like to help with the administration or other activities of the Society, such as events, or you want to contact us for other reasons, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact the Society by email if possible, alternatively phone numbers can be found in the Westcombe News.

General Information – info@westcombesociety.org

Chairman: Geoff Brighty  – info@westcombesociety.org

Secretary: Andrew Graham  – info@westcombesociety.org

Treasurer: Miles Storey  –  treasurer@westcombesociety.org

Westcombe News Editorial: Christine Fells – wnews@westcombesociety.org

Westcombe News Advertising: Marilyn Little – advertising@westcombesociety.org

Events: info@westcombesociety.org

Environment Committee and Westcombe News Distribution: environment@westcombesociety.org

Membership: Christine Legg – membership@westcombesociety.org

Comments on the Website – info@westcombesociety.org


Local Contacts and Links

Local Councillors:

Leo Fletcher           Leo.Fletcher@royalgreenwich.gov.uk

Mariam Lolavar      Mariam.Lolavar@royalgreenwich.gov.uk

Christine St. Matthew-Daniel  christine.stmatthew-daniel2@royalgreenwich.gov.uk

Councillors can also be contacted at their surgeries held on the first Saturday of the month

from 10-11am at Mycenae House and from 1-2pm at Age Exchange in Blackheath.

Local organisations:

Blackheath Society:   http://www.blackheath.org/

Blackheath Joint Working Party (Minutes of BJWP meetings can be found by scrolling down this page):   https://lewisham.gov.uk/inmyarea/neighbourhoods/blackheath

Charlton Society: http://www.charltonsociety.org/

East Greenich Residents Association (EGRA): http://EGRA.london

Friends of Mycenae Gardens:   http://www.mycenaegardens.org.uk/

Friends of Greenwich Park:   http://friendsofgreenwichpark.org.uk/

Greenwich Park:  https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/greenwich-park

Greenwich Society:   http://greenwichsociety.org.uk/

Greenwich Line Users Group http://greenwichline.org.uk/

Blackheath Royal Standard Village Association:  http://www.brsva.blogspot.co.uk/

Blackheath Westcombe Safer Neighbourhoods Team:


Maritime Museum:  http://www.rmg.co.uk/

Maritime World Heritage Site:  http://www.greenwichworldheritage.org/

Royal Borough of Greenwich:  www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

Royal Borough of Greenwich Planning:   http://publicaccess.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/online-applications/

Old Royal Naval College:  http://www.ornc.org/

Vanbrugh Community Association:  http://www.mycenaehouse.co.uk/

Langton Way Association www.langtonway.co.uk

Charlton Society http://charltonchampion.co.uk/tag/charlton-society/

Local Blogs and websites:



