Following the Overview and Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee on 31 July, the decision has now been made to proceed with a trial LTN. The decision was made by Averil Lekau, the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Sustainability and Transport.
More details can be read on the Council news item at
Despite substantial opposition from residents LTNs (Low Traffic Neighbourhoods) will be introduced in East and West Greenwich, albeit with significant reduction in hours of operation.
A report on the meeting on 31 July, written by a local reporter, can be found on
The video of the meeting can be found on
The LTN will be introduced under a ETO (Experimental Traffic Order) i.e. a trial for up to 18 months. The hours of operation recommended by officers are now proposed to be Monday to Friday 7am to 10am and 3pm to 7pm. This will be enforced by the use of ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) cameras. There are also improvements in the range of vehicles that will be able to apply for excemption as compared to the proposals consulted on in 2023.
The Westcombe Society has concerns about the proposals, despite the changes, and has written to Councillors about this. More details will be available in future issues of Westcombe News. The September issue is now out for delivery and is also be available in local libraries and on this website.
The use of a ETO means that the Council will have to give advance notice of implementation and during this period it will be possible to object. If a significant number of objections are received by officers Councillors will be notified. There will also be ongoing consultation after the scheme is introduced. The Westcombe Society encourage residents to make their views known, both for and against, both before and after implementation.
Updates will be made available on this website when we have more information.
The Officer’s report re the decision is available to read through the following link: West & East Greenwich Neighbourhood Management Project Trial Scheme
A pdf showing the East Greenwich/Westcombe Park map is also available on the following link East Greenwich and Westcombe Park 2023 option A This is the map from the 2023 consultation. It is understood that the bus gates and closures shown will now all be ANPR controlled only during peak hours Monday to Friday so traffic will be able to use all roads as now at other times.
Well, RBG should be applauded for trying. Let’s give it a proper chance before attacking it. The number and average size of vehicles has vastly increased in recent years and these have inevitably impacted everyone’s quality of life, people’s safety – or at least the significant worry about safety (especially for children) – noise levels, and air pollution.
Many vehicles using these residential streets are simply rat-running from outside the area as a short cut, having been directed this way by satnav apps, whereas this scheme should not impact locals, who are exempt, too much. The balance urgently needs to be reset to shift away from car dominance so that those who have no choice can still drive but without the queues, while there are more options for everyone else, not to mention cleaner air and calmer, living streets for people.
This approach may or may not end up being the ultimate answer, but it will be a useful trial that can be tweaked and used for further improvements for pedestrians and public transport.
Really looking forward to the decrease in noise and air pollution this will bring. And the decrease in rat running through residential streets. It couldn’t come soon enough. Our streets will become safer and less clogged.
Looks like there might be some reprieve if we make enough noise