Transport for London (TfL) has recently  published a report summarising the findings of the consultation held in late 2012/early 2013 on a proposed new road tunnel at Silvertown and a new ferry service at Gallions Reach.

TfL had held a consultation in early 2012 when they asked people to tell them about any other options they should be looking at.  Based on the feedback they received TfL refined their plans and held a further consultation from 29 October 2012 to 1 February 2013.  They asked the public and stakeholders for their views on an expanded range of options for improving cross-river travel in east and south east London as well as the possible application of user charges as a means of funding and managing demand for these.

The report summarising the findings of the most recent consultation and the issues raised most frequently is available to download at:

Appendix F of the report includes summaries of responses to the consultation including that of the Westcombe Society

TfL are now looking in detail at the issues raised in the consultation, and later this summer will compile and publish a report setting out their response to each of these points.  They will also undertake further technical work to more closely identify the likely impacts, costs and benefits of each of the proposals.  They will take into account the issues raised during the consultation as well as this further technical assessment work in deciding how they should proceed.

TfL will write to the Westcombe Society and others who responded  again later this summer, once their analysis of the issues raised is complete, so that everyone can see their response to each of the points raised.  At this point they will also respond in detail to submissions to the consultation and provide further details as to how they intend to proceed.  This is likely to involve submission of definitive proposals to the National Inspectorate under the procedure for “nationally significant infrastructure projects” (NSIPs), which itself incorporates further extensive consultation.